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    How Does Mental Health Affect Physical Health?

    man laying on the bad in the corner

    Can physical ailments be the result of mental problems? Life success and general well-being depend on acquiring vital integrity of mental and physical components. Mental health is essential for the welfare and maintaining normal relationships in society. And if you do not hold a good state of mental health, it badly affects your physical health:

    Psychological and physical health can not be separated from each other. It interrelates and depends on each other. The psyche controls the autonomic nervous system, which influences the body’s organs.

    If we are stressed, our emotional state will affect our well-being. And it doesn’t matter if it’s momentary or long-term stress. In any case, it causes a failure in physical health.

    If you are offended or angry, this also has quite an effect on the body. Someone’s blood pressure rises, and someone has heart interruptions or spasms. So, any negative manifestation of emotions can cause physical health disorders.

    1. Reduction Of Life Expectancy

    People with mental problems live less than those who are psychologically healthy. After all, constant tension and concern shorten the length of human life. 

    Besides, mental problems are often the cause of human suicide. For example, the suicide of people with cognitive disorders occurs twelve times more often than those who are psychologically healthy. Thus, mental health can affect physical health so much that it shortens life.

    2. Side Effects From Drugs

    Doctors prescribe certain drugs if a person has stress, anxiety, or irritation for a long time. Sometimes patients do not receive enough information about the medicines they take. In such cases, they can cause certain problems:

    • Medications can harm the physical health of people with mental illness. For example, it can cause rapid weight gain, affecting health;
    • Or the body will be able to get used to the drugs and not feel normal without them. As a result, other physical diseases appear.

    3. Diseases Of Digestive Organs

    Have you ever felt nauseous at the thought of a particular food? Have you felt a stomach ache? All these situations state a close connection between the stomach and the brain. A troubled gut can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send alerts to the gut. Thus, a person’s stomach upset can cause anxiety, stress, or depression.

    Physical health disorders related to the stomach will appear If a person is stressed for a long time. It is because, in such a state, a person experiences a problematic emotional state and is always in a bad mood. Accordingly, the appetite disappears and does not perform its functions. As a result, problems with digestion appear.

    4. Heart Disease

    Many factors can increase the risk of heart disease. One of them is psychological problems. The fact is that mental health impacts physical health and causes the release of hormones in the body. It includes prolactin, bioactive substances, and adrenaline. A large number of them in the body provoke heart illness. 

    Against the background of stress, an increase in heart rate is observed, and a person can feel it. Studies have shown that frequent experiences lead to increased pressure. Arteries become less elastic, and their function impairs. So, those who are always nervous have a higher arrhythmia development.

    5. Chronic Disease

    Unfortunately, mental illness affects physical health, so it can cause chronic diseases. It includes cardiovascular disease, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, and more. All this can result from not taking care of your mental state. And this is how it can gradually affect you:

    • If you feel anxious, you spend most of your time in a bad mood;
    • People can run themselves daily into an even bigger corner, worsening their condition. From here, the desire to do sports, cook food and do some work disappears;
    • As a result, mental health deteriorates even more, and it begins to affect the organs;
    • Then they stop their specific functioning, and problems with physical health disorders arise.

    Key Difference Between Mental And Physical Health

    The dissimilarity is that physical health refers to bodily health. And mental health is about having a brain that works well, thinks correctly, and is free of disorders.

    That is, the physical is what you feel bodily, by touch and the like. And mental is your feelings from awareness of something. An example would be feelings of happiness or disappointment. Besides these differences between mental and physical health, there are others:

    Mental Health Physical Health
    Mental activity relates to cognitive processes. During them, a person plans actions, operating with images and speech symbols. Physical activity is an activity that relates to specific aim actions. For example, climbing stairs, strength exercises, or jogging.
    Mental health deals with the ideal functioning of our brain. Physical health is more about the proper functioning of the body.
    Mental health depends on how we manage our daily lives. Physical health depends on how we control our bodies.
    Mental health is a state in which a person understands the need to identify the factors that allow them to think, feel and act. It includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Physical health is a set of actions, postures, and functions. They perform to maintain an optimal state at the physiological level.
    Mental health focuses more on criticism, reading, sharing information, and being happy. Physical health focuses more on food, sleep, and exercise.
    Mental health deals with the mind. Physical health focuses on the health of the body.

    At first glance, there seems to be nothing in common between physical and psychological health. But in reality, each function and characteristic depends on the other. It’s why your overall well-being depends on the interaction of both health.

    4 Ways To Prevent Mental And Physical Health Disorders

    two women looking up with closed eyes

    To avoid the appearance of physical health disorders, you need to improve your mental state. Usually, when cognitive disorders appear, people turn to specialists. They prescribe therapy and specific treatment. But before going to a specialist, you should pay attention to the following tips. They can help anyone to improve their physical and psychological condition:

    1. Stick To A Sleep Schedule

    • Firstly, the duration of sleep should be 7-8 hours;
    • Secondly, you should train yourself to go to bed every day simultaneously;
    • You should go to bed no later than midnight.

    By following these rules about sleep, you can improve your inner state and be more energetic.

    2. Take Vitamins Or Supplements In Liquid Form

    Our mental health can badly impact on physical health due to a lack of vitamins in the body. Thus, it is essential to take them regularly for good health. Such vitamins or supplements can be two types:

    The natural composition of these supplements gives an incredible result for psychological health. The content of adaptogens improves mood and enhances brain function. Also, it reduces the risk of stress. As a result, a person develops a healthy psyche, and the level of happiness rises.

    • Liquid supplement drops with Vitamin C

    Vitamin C can increase immunity. The natural composition of these drops brings balance to your body and power to your health. Accordingly, these supplements will solve your problem if your physical health deteriorates. 

    Unlike regular supplements, these liquid drops are easier and better for your body to absorb. They contain many adaptogens that prevent radicals from attacking your body. Thus, it protects you from physical health disorders. Besides, it softens the release of stress hormones. It is due to its natural content, which ordinary pills can’t boast of. So, just a few drops make you feel healthy and in harmony.

    3. Be Physically Active

    Regular physical activity reduces depression and anxiety in all age groups. Research has proven that it also increases self-esteem and gives a good mood.

    It doesn’t have to be an intense workout. You can simply walk in the fresh air with friends or family. It will reduce your stress level, and you will feel the satisfaction of life.

    4. Eat Right

    Food is our mirror of the physical body and inner state. First, it puts a person in good physical shape and reduces the risk of physical health disorders.

    Too, the brain, receiving nutrients from food, functions better and improves mood. So create a healthy diet for yourself to be beneficial inside and out.


    So, the difference between mental and physical health exists. But this does not affect their interconnection. If a person does not live a spiritual life, their bodily reserves quickly exhaust. And it inevitably leads to illness. And if a person spends a long time in an atmosphere of fear and stress, it can lead to oncological, cardiovascular, or mental diseases. Thus, eat healthy food, take supplements, and get enough sleep. Then you will feel great.